Let’s start with this…I don’t have one.
I stopped making resolutions three years ago. It was the best decision I ever made.
Instead, I create a vision for each year. This vision helps me shape goals, and it guides my decisions for the next 365 days and beyond.
Seeing each year as a fresh opportunity to envision my future has really kept me driven, focused, and inspired.
This year, two words steer my vision, “grow” and “well”. I pulled my inspiration from Galatians 6:9, “Don’t grow weary in well-doing…” Sometimes, we are so productive, and we move so quickly through life, that we don’t smell the roses or even notice their very existence. In an effort to continue evolving personally and professionally, yet not miss experiencing life in the process, my vision this year is “Don’t grow weary, grow well.” To me, growing well has two meanings:
1. Do things well.
2. Do well things.
I’m sure we can all relate to having so much on your plate that a few crumbs fall off around the edges. Think of turning in a work project at the last minute and wishing you had time to give it one more review. Think of cutting out time with friends to squeeze one more meeting on your calendar. Or even think of devotion time you’ve cut short, because a “conference call” reminder just popped up on your phone. I want to have enough time to invest the appropriate amount of energy and thought-space to put my best foot forward in everything I’m committed to, even if that means trimming a few sides from the plate.
Doing well things, on the other hand, is my commitment to myself. Moving so fast can cause your health to trail behind. I’m really honing in on self-wellness this year. This includes my rest, my exercise, my mental health, and so much more. This year, I’m committed to embracing every rose along my life’s journey. I am wishing for you a new year in which you can do the same.

Dr. Asha—speaker, educator, published author, and radio host—is aptly known as the Creator of Healthy Conversations. Her life purpose is to teach the busy and overwhelmed how to live life abundantly. She is an educational consultant and owner of the Temple Fit Company, LLC, and she is the director of Temple Fit Health, Inc. faith-based wellness nonprofit organization. Grab one of Dr. Asha’s recent books and book her for your upcoming program.